Starting a Renovation Project

What is a renovation?
A renovation is any non-maintenance project involving alteration, modification, or new work with a value under $3 million. New construction under 5,000 square feet may also qualify as a renovation under certain circumstances. If a project has a value of over $3 million or exceeds 5,000 square feet, it is considered a Major Renovations capital project. For more information, see Understanding Capital vs. Non-Capital Projects.

Key steps in the renovation process
To assist departments in the renovation process, we will:
◘ Partner with the clients to establish and meet scope of work, budget, and schedule
◘ Consider elements of constructability, maintenance, sustainability, safety, code compliance, ADA compliance, land disturbance issues, and integration of projects into established systems such as fire alarms, chilled water, etc.
◘ Involve needed agencies for design elements, reviews, and permits
◘ Interpret state and university policies for each project, including procurement rules
◘ Act as an advocate for clients at various stages of the renovation process

How to get started
The first step in every renovation request is to submit an Interdepartmental Service Request (ISR) in HokieMart. Upon receipt of a request, Facilities will assign a project manager and a HokieServ work order number. Customers can use the HokieServ work order number to track the project and expenses throughout the design and construction process. For more information on a typical project process, click here.