Non-Capital Renovation Process

All renovation projects which affect state owned facilities or use state funds for leased facilities are subject to review and approval, and must comply with University Policy 5405: Non-Capital Construction, Renovation, Maintenance and Repair of University-Owned Facilities. Most renovation projects will require permitting, review, and inspection by the University Building Official.
The first step in every renovation request is to submit an Interdepartmental Service Request (ISR) in HokieMart. Upon receipt of a request, Facilities will assign a project manager and a HokieServ work order number. Customers can use the HokieServ work order number to track the project and expenses throughout the design and construction process.
Regardless of the method of project procurement chosen, Facilities personnel must manage all projects. A project manager or project coordinator is assigned to every project to keep project activities coordinated and the customer informed. All questions or concerns a customer might have should be directed to their assigned project manager and/or the project coordinator rather than the contractor.
The project manager/coordinator will contact the customer once the work order has been assigned.
Depending on the request and complexity, a project may be approached in one of two ways:
- Simple Design: If the requested work is for flooring replacement, paint, window treatments, or work that does not require a professional licensed design, it can go straight into construction.
- Architectural-Engineer Services: Professionally licensed design consultants contracted to provide feasibility studies, design, bidding, and construction administration.
The project manager/project coordinator can provide feedback on the appropriate the delivery method when the scope of work is discussed.
Every design has some element of review required. It is the project manager’s responsibility to ensure these reviews are conducted as part of the project development process.
There are several bidding methods used for renovation projects. The method is determined based on several factors including budget, schedule, materials, and completion date. In all projects, we follow required procurement guidelines. The following procurement methods are used for project delivery:
- Time and Materials: Contract labor and university procured materials
- Single Quote, Firm-Priced, Fixed Fee (Less than $10,000)
- 3-Bid, Firm-Priced, Fixed-Fee (Less than $200,000)
- VASCUPP or Term Contract: Unit price services, material, and goods
- On Demand Contracting: Pre-Qualified general contractors for projects less than $300,000-$500,000 (scope of work depending)
- Request for Proposal or Commercial Competitive Bids: All projects over $300,000-$500,000 (scope of work depending)
It is not unusual to discover unanticipated conditions or have extenuating circumstances including additional work requested by the customer. If a plan is changed after the final approval of the design, a review for building code compliance and approval of the changed design is required prior to construction of the changed item. Changes and/or modifications in the scope of work may result in additional time and charges. Change orders must be approved by the customer and processed to address any impacts to the approved budget.
Facilities must charge fees for project overhead as determined by the University Controller's Office.
The warranty period for most completed projects is one year. Extended warranties may be possible for certain components involved in renovation projects. Extended warranties should be discussed during project planning.